

My name is John L Whalley and this is my home on the web. I have been a
computer analyst/programmer since 1974.
My main areas of expertise are Cobol,
Ads/IDMS and Natural/Adabas using the running on DOS/VSE and MVS operating systems.
I also have some expertise in Linux and Web authoring.
I began my computer life with British
Aircraft Corporation Military division after graduating from the University
of East Anglia with a Honours degree in History. I graduated from
there to a very dodgy software house which I escaped from in 1979 to become
what we poor permies always envied, an independent computer contractor. One
of those people who seem to know everything but actually know very little
(not totally true) but get paid lots (ditto) all the same. With this comes
the trappings of accountants, inland revenue and vat audits and eventually
even government legislation and the enmity of paymaster generals. From
these humble beginnings I grew into a limited company of one where the
paperwork and the rate of pay multiplied. I found myself a cosy niche in an
18 year contract for a multinational paper company going through several
operating and software systems until the final metamorphosis to JDE saw the
end of me.
I have now escaped from the UK and the Blair/Brown despotism and am living
in Davao in Mindanao, much safer and friendlier than Streatham, raising
pigs, crops and running a little people carrying service.
Should you require a more detailed profile of
my employment history and
please feel free to contact me.